Rozzlyn Sovereign

Climbing Rose Kindergarten Lead Teacher

Rozzlyn Sovereign grew up in the Sacramento Valley and enjoyed living by the river and exploring new natural places. She was first introduced to Waldorf education as a student at John Morse Elementary, currently Alice Birney. Rozzlyn graduated from Humboldt State University with a degree in Sociology. She first worked with children while going to school in Humboldt and fell in love with understanding the young child. She believes consistency, warmth and reverence are of the utmost importance in early childhood education. 

For the last two years Rozzlyn has revisited her Waldorf roots working in the preschool at Sacramento Waldorf. She is currently in her teacher training at the Great Lakes Waldorf Institute. She looks forward to working with the kindergarten aged child and becoming a part of the Davis Waldorf community. 

B.A. Sociology, Humboldt State University

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