Kelly Brewer, Admissions Staff Member

Kelly Brewer

Admissions Staff Member

Kelly Brewer discovered Waldorf education in 1989 while working as a teacher and school Administrator in the Seattle area She instantly knew that Waldorf methods were the most beneficial approach to learning available and relocated to California to begin her Waldorf Teacher Training. She settled in Davis where a small Waldorf school was located on County Road 96. Coincidentally, she needed a local job and DWS needed an Administrator. Kelly was hired as the first official Administrator in 1990 when the school had only 60 children from K-3rd grade. She coordinated the first Capital Campaign and secured a loan from Rudolf Steiner Foundation to move the school to the donated land on which it now sits in 1992. She fondly remembers planting the trees on campus when they were tiny sticks! When her son moved to the Sacramento Waldorf School to attend High School, she moved to Fair Oaks. In 2007 she was invited back by the Faculty to once again be the Administrator. In 2016 the Maui Waldorf School recruited her to serve as their Head of School and to help develop their new High School. She loved her time on Maui overseeing a large Waldorf school on 2 campuses with nearly 400 children, 100+ Faculty, and Staff. She retired in 2020 and returned “home” to Davis where her long-term family and friends reside. In the summer of 2021, Jennifer Slater reached out to see if she might be interested in serving in the role of the Enrollment Coordinator part-time. Kelly came out of retirement and returned to DWS in July of 2021 to support the success of the Davis Waldorf School.

EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: (530) 753-1651 ext. 116

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