Claire Borrego

Noel Jimenez

4th Grade Assistant
Noel Jimenez began assistant teaching at the start of 2024 when a friend encouraged her to look into becoming a Waldorf teacher. She has a background in nursing (Bachelor’s of Science), but was looking for a new career where she felt she could expand into who she is more authentically. She fell in love with Waldorf, the students, staff, environment, and anthroposophy, so she began teacher training straight away. 
She has studied Chinese Medicine, environmental science, art, graphic design, and homesteading (raising chickens and bees). At this time though, working with the children is allowing her to find and create her best self so that she can offer that to everyone in her path, especially the students. She has raised three children with one still at home. She loves dancing, spending time with friends, cooking, gardening, hiking, swimming, learning, and just being in the sun.

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