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Annual Giving Campaign

For Our students today and for many years to come

To sustain and enrich a Waldorf education for our children, we must rely on more than just tuition. Your generous expression of shared commitment and support ensures that DWS will be able to continue to offer an outstanding and inspiring education. Annual Giving begins November 1st of each year extending through to Winter break.

MacKerricher tidepools

It’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelmed the world.

Desmond Tutu

single green oak leaf


To sustain and enrich a Waldorf education for our children, we must rely on more than just tuition. Your generous expression of shared commitment and support ensures that DWS will be able to continue to offer an outstanding and inspiring education to our students today and for many years to come.

We ask everyone to give or raise as much as they can. We have developed a roadmap to reach our goals. The biggest single gift of $10,000 will be donated once we reach 100% participation.

If your budget allows or if you can commit to a fund-raising goal at any of the below thresholds, then please do. 

FamiliesHow Much Should I Give

No gift is too small. We ask that each family gives what works for their budget. Every gift gets us closer to our goal and helps us secure the $10,000 grant.

Your donation:

  • Helps limit tuition increases
  • Supports full programs
  • Strengthens faculty and staff compensation
  • Maintains an economically-diverse student population

No, it does not. Tuition and fees are set at a level that will support the school’s programs and yet remain affordable to a broad range of families.

Annual Giving funds allow our school to provide a full Waldorf education: academics, games, foreign language, handwork, woodwork. music, gardening, drama, and fine arts.

No, it does not. Tuition and fees are set at a level that will support the school’s programs and yet remain affordable to a broad range of families.

Annual Giving funds allow our school to provide a full Waldorf education: academics, games, foreign language, haDavis Waldorf School is a non-profit institution. We receive no state or federal funding. Therefore, all funding must come from tuition and fundraising efforts.ndwork, woodwork. music, gardening, drama, and fine arts.

Many employers will match the funds you donate to our school. Please check with your employer to see if you’re eligible.

The generosity of the DWS community helps the school continue to thrive. Each day, our faculty and staff provide an oasis for our children where they are educated and nurtured.

We need your participation!

The Annual Giving Campaign raises money for:


The percentage of enrolled families participating is important: we receive a $10,000 grant if our school achieves 100% participation.

The Davis Waldorf School is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and every gift to the school is 100% tax-deductible to the extent of IRS regulations.


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